What We Do

What sets us apart is that our instruction is customized to each student’s needs, goals, andlearning style; we do not use any pre-made or packaged curricula, and we cultivate strongrelationships with our students.

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Tutoring Services

We teach students in core academic content areas as well as in executive functioning, organization, and study skills..

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Executive Functioning & ADHD Coaching

We teach students in core academic content areas as well as in executive functioning, organization, and study skills..

alt tagbiology science es tutoring


We teach students in core academic content areas as well as in executive functioning, organization, and study skills..

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Parent Coaching

At ES Tutoring & Consulting, we don’t just work with students; we work with families.


“Eliza’s commitment to guiding young people to see the world from multiple perspectives was the hallmark of her practice as a classroom teacher. Her students’ capacity to think deeply was fueled by her talent for igniting inquiry into those themes – both historic and current – where the discrepancy between lived experience and our most cherished ideals was most evident. The learning in Eliza’s classroom was alive and relevant to the students’ innate interest in justice and fairness. This pedagogic pulse remains central to Eliza’s work today.” 

–Ralph Wales, Head of School, The Gordon School

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