Executive Functioning Coaching

Executive functioning skills include organization, time management, breaking down large tasks into manageable chunks, following and remembering directions, maintaining focus and attention (especially when transitioning between tasks or activities), task initiation, emotion regulation, planning, prioritizing, and metacognition. For some students, these skills come naturally or are learned intuitively, but for many students they need these skills to be taught explicitly. Our work with students is entirely individualized; we do not use pre-packaged curricula but instead create customized materials for each student in our sessions with them. When we coach students in executive skills, we help them build up their own toolbox of strategies that are tailored to their unique learning needs, enabling them to become more successful and independent students.

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“I’ve always been highly impressed by the rigor and cohesion of Eliza’s curriculum work. The units and lessons she designs are intellectual and engaging for her students, and highlight her instructional leadership. That’s just one reason I’ve been so pleased for Eliza to work as a coach with our aspiring teachers at Boston University.”

-Scott Seider, Associate Professor of Education, Boston University

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